Theory of five components of culture " Science"

Dr. Azimi,Science

What is science? And how did this have such a profound impact on human life and apart from the changes it has created in the objective scene and external symbols of our human lives, has it been able to have the most profound effects on other parts of our culture?! In dealing with such an influential phenomenon, one can go to extremes. And in this sense, he was caught in degeneration! The philosophy of science tries to prevent such a bad event by properly introducing science and stating its correct place in human culture. If a person knows why he goes to science and what he should want from science. And what he should not expect from science, he can find a methodical and methodical way of dealing with the world of science, and he can also make maximum use of scientific methods in other aspects of his culture. Philosophy of science is the knowledge that makes the best view for this matter and provides the basis for the best human interaction with science. This course was presented in 1975-1979 in the technical engineering faculty and in 1978-1979 in the medical faculty with the following titles:

1- What science is beyond definition and below human thinking. 2- Why and how man went to science. 3- Science, pseudo-science and anti-science. 4- A brief look at the ups and downs of science over time. 5- Field of science performance, norms and anomalies. 6- Science and misplaced judgments, science and final judgments. 7- The place of theory in the scientific method. 8- Man’s position as an observer or as a partner in scientific theory 9- Analysis of scientific language 10- Assumptions in science. 11- Science and causation, science and free will 12- Science and truth, science and reality. 13- Science and phenomenon, space and time. 14- Science and scientific explanation 15- Science and future, science and prediction.

Unfortunately, methodology or research method is one of the topics that is not taken seriously in our educational system; Because in our culture, research and researcher do not have their proper place! It seems that we do not agree that research is a window that man opens on the universe in terms of understanding its facts and truths, maybe we do not know that creativity and innovation is the result of research and it is not possible without research. In a world that is undergoing transformation and change, the only way to survive is innovation and creativity, and innovation and creativity have no meaning without research. People who have left their imitative attitudes and become world leaders in research and search have achieved remarkable and remarkable progress in all aspects of life! With the motive of finding a path to the blessed valley of research and research and to better understand the value of this precious stone, in 79-77 consecutive courses on research methods were taught in the Faculty of Architecture with the following titles.

1- What is research? And where is its real place in the body of human culture? 2- How to find the best questions to get the best answers? 3- How to strategize research to discover truth and inspiration, philosophy, logic, science and experience. 4- The function of research in connection with, cultivating mature mind and providing the field of experience. 5- The function of research in connection with the training of skilled personnel, transfer of values, discovery and research. 6- The general conditions of each researcher, the general conditions of research. 7- Specific conditions of each researcher, specific conditions of each research. 8- Scientific research, using order, precision, organization and planning. 9- Basic research 10- Applied research. 11 – Case studies. 12- Descriptive research 13- Continuous research. 14 – Experimental research. 15 – Comparative research. 16 – Research in the field with a library or natural.

In a simple and crude view, the necessity of cultivating human character is not considered much, as if the amount that should be paid to the cultivation and care of the body is much more than what should be paid about the personality? Our general idea is that the human personality is developed with the simplest spiritual or moral issues and only a series of certain issues can harm it, while what is useful and necessary in the development of the human personality is much more complex. And deeper than this picture! What affects the human personality is extremely hidden and non-obvious? It is very surprising that the basics of human personality development are not so obvious to us and we never study the impact of this development on the whole process of our life in a detailed way, and we do not want to take a fundamental step in the field of personality pathology. In 2001, the basics of human personality development with these decisive topics were taught in twenty sessions

Introduction – “Why the basics of character development is a forgotten title for us!! »

1. Man is not a thought without experience (interdependence of thought and experience). 2- The form of human connection with the environment and its role in the development of his personality. 3- Necessity of correct image of errors and irregularities of human brain function. 4- Influences of personality from the three bases of instinctive behavior, emotional behavior, logical behavior. 5- The role of symbols in learning, human understanding and the foundation of hidden personality. 6- The process of human self-awareness after centuries and based on the experience of generations. 7- Concepts of dynamic life, concepts of static and passive life. 8- Human personality and pleasant or unpleasant issue, in fact? 9- The role of concepts and mental images in human personality. 10 places of time in the development of human personality, the best perception of time for personality! 11- The acceptable image of personality and the ambiguities of life 12- The role of useful work and the feeling of being useful in the development of human personality. 13- Having a goal and structure of human personality (short and long term goals). 14 – Communication with others and personality structure. 15 – Correct recognition of talent, taste and beauty in creating a personality structure. 16 – Personal thoughts, thoughts about others, wish for everyone’s happiness and personality structure. 17- Critical thinking, of oneself, of others and its role in personality structure. 18- The meaningfulness of the personality, giving meaning to the surroundings 19- The capacity of experience, the breadth of the personality! 20- Life philosophy, basis of personality, individual echo, social reflex.

Since humans don’t have to be thinkers and can rely on the same natural and general activities of their brain cells as other animals, thinking is optional! In all voluntary matters, the way is open for selection and man can choose one of several types. It is always difficult to choose one among several, because it is not so easy to recognize the necessary criteria. The vast world of thinking abilities in humans, when it is connected to the vast world of external objects, creates a multitude of methodical and methodical talents for humans in the form of thinking. It is crude thinking if someone imagines that choosing the best method for thinking is a simple task. And the cruder is the one who does not know what amazing results the superior methods of thinking have for man. The method or way of thinking better, which is one of the main and very useful branches of psycho-cybernetic knowledge, was taught in 2008 at Soura Institute of Higher Education in Tehran with the titles we chose from it:

Introduction – What is Psycho Cybernetics? And what is the purpose of man? 1- What is the method? And what is the method of thinking? 2- Different stages of intellectual activities (cognition, archiving, creativity). 3- The difference between basic subjects and practical subjects. 4- Static information and dynamic information. 5- Ordinary people and extraordinary people. 6- A suitable space for thinking. 7- The difference between brain function in ontology and epistemology. 8- Mutual effects of thought and its materials on each other. and destruction, abandonment or reconstruction of ideas. 10- Close connection between thought and science. 11- Individual and social dimensions of an idea 12- Substancial and functional different view of thinking. 13 – Obstacles to better thinking. 14 – Superior thinking factors 19 – Necessary fields for programming for the brain. 16 – The need to understand the appeal of discovery. 17- The need to think for others. 18- Necessity of going beyond the level of phenomena and paying attention to the inequality of the mechanism of phenomena in absorption. 19 – Attention to the inequality of birth mechanism and growth mechanism in humans. 20- The courage to accept a new look and not be afraid to present it!

Man today thinks better than ever before about a better life and seeks to get it, does man really deserve this life? Is there a possibility and a method to reach a higher life at the disposal of man? The human brain is the best thing he has to achieve a superior life, the various activities of the brain that provide the rational world of man are a bridge to a better life that he is looking for, the wide range and depth of the brain’s rational activity shows that life For humans, it has many different and diverse dimensions, the form of man’s view of life and the form of his understanding of the rational world, depicts the form of a superior life for him. The world of general psychology tries to help people achieve a better life by expressing the shaping and influencing components in this field. provides, in 2081 this course was taught in twenty sessions with the following titles

Introduction – “Before being responsible to others or to any other phenomenon, man is responsible to himself to create a meaningful life!” »

1. The main enemies of a fruitful and meaningful life. 2- The human brain is a system that needs care, health and nutrition. 3 – The organic relationship between the flourishing of the human brain and nature. 4. How much of human expectations can be attributed to his brain? 5- The main differences between imagination and thinking. 6- How does thinking become scary, and imagination becomes enjoyable?! 7- Do we think about the empty place of man in nature?! 8- The role and place of questioning in human thinking. And the different manifestations of the world and the different manifestations of the human brain. 10- Simple, complex, unplanned people and planning people. 11- mutual pulls of human behavior and brain. 12- Natural tolerances and a person’s faith in his rational world. 13- How to get a simple view of the intellectual apparatus? 14 – Giving importance to the freedom and independence of the character in the process of thinking! 15- Trial and error, right and wrong and the possibility of experience for humans! 16 – Form of brain function and reflection of human mental actions! 17- Cybernetics and systematic brain studies. 18 – How to direct the brain to pre-programmed systems. 19 – Different keys and keyboard, one brain. 20- Desired changes on the brain command keyboard.

Research Foundation Of
Professor Mohammad Javad Azimi

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