Titles of articles and interviews


Title of the article: Theory of Consciousness, Publisher: Iranian Science Association, Hupa, August 2014, No. 1, 2, 3

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The title of the article is how religious thought deals with cinema. Source: Cinema Review Magazine 1376 No. 11


Title of the article: Religion and Drama in Historical Periods, Religious Drama and Contemporary Theater, Source: Sahne Magazine 2015 and 2016 No. 58 and 59


Title of the article: What is existence and who is man? Source: Show magazine, December and February 2015 - No. 88 and 89

I'll show you how


Title of the interview: In conversation with Professor Jalaluddin Farsi. Source: August and September 1370 - No. 8


Title of the interview: Religion and drama (an interview with Dr. Mohammad Javad Azimi) Source: Iran Theater, December 2018

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Title of the interview: In conversation with Professor Ahmad Aram Source: Ayane Qaroosh magazine April and May 1370 - number 6


Title of the interview: In a conversation with Professor Mohammad Hossein Fazlullah. Source: Ayane Research Magazine, June and July 2019 - Number 7

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