Theory of Consciousness
In this topic, I explain the place of man in existence and define his brain system. In the series of stages that man explains about his place in nature, the beginning of the religious ideas goes back to the time of Aristotle and Plato. Aristotle and Plato envisioned the human brain as a truth-seeking phenomenon and planned the teachings of their schools of thought based on this. From their point of view, man was defined as a creature to find the truth and his other abilities were ignored. Man was a creature who was born only to find the truth and should look for the predetermined truths. It was interesting that their imagined truths were only truths based on human beliefs and this form of truth-seeking made man suffer. It was a problem. Because what a person perceives as truth, its foundations were limited in his hopes and dreams, and what was visible to the human eye or presented as supernatural had all its roots in his wishes and dislikes.
Therefore, what was the result of his finding the truth was not necessarily equal to all external realities. Little by little man realized the piggy bank of his mind. Qalaki’s mind had the ability to keep everything that a person received from his surroundings and accept as an embodied truth as a reserve in his mind and extract it when necessary. This kind of dealing with the mind was considered a kind of brake.. because only the existing findings formed the basis of human belief and a kind of illusory prejudice surrounded the human piggy bank. One of the basic problems that was possible based on the hypothesis of the receptiveness and piggy bank of the human brain was the lack of coordination of the piggy banks with the modern aspects of human life. Because the new dimensions of life, with its ever-increasing extent, could not cope with the hypothesis of the receptiveness and smallness of the brain. And this itself caused the stagnation of the human brain. But the reality is that the current developments cannot be the result of the stagnation of the human brain and with the growing process of intellectual life, we find that humans change their attitude towards their mind and their 14 billion brain cells and cognition. His understanding of the surrounding environment “found new ideas about himself and by realizing the fact that the definition of the human brain is something beyond the perception and the role of the piggy bank” he established new knowledge for anthropology and subsequently ontology. The modern epistemology of the world today started its comprehensive expansion by using information material. Humanity realized that every experimental act in its process creates information and this information can be published. For example, if you are the first person to touch fire in your surroundings, “in terms of the experimental action you have done”, you have generated information in the process. It means that you have recorded this experience for yourself and nature that fire is burning and hot. The easiest way to transfer information to the human world is to express this experience. But is the publication of this information limited only in the human world?!!! We know that the universe in which we live cannot be without echoes. Existence is the most lawful phenomenon known to mankind, which is one of its inevitable and undeniable properties (echo). From the echo of your voice in the mountain to the fall of an apple from a tree and the echo of gravity or the explosion of stars billions of light years ago and the echo of its light in your present existence….everything indicates the validity of the echo in the whole existence. This is why the modern epistemology of the world believes that all human experiences in terms of producing information “have the ability to create an echo and spread in the whole existence. Also, other parts of nature have the ability to spread information on the level of nature in terms of the experience they carry out.” But is it possible to obtain the information published in nature with the mechanism of human information exchange?!!! Is it possible to receive information from nature and transmit it to humans, just as humans use human language to get information from other humans and transmit it to other humans?!!!! Naturally, the answer is negative. Because the language of nature is not a human language and it is not possible to directly express everything that we can receive from nature without converting it into human words and known human concepts. In the meantime, we find out that all humans do not have the ability to communicate with nature and cannot understand or acquire the information spread in the world, let alone convert it into human words! Publishing information at the level of nature was a wonderful secret for man. This secret was revealed when man underwent a transformation in his physical experiences. Quantum physics or quantum physics was the spark of the explosion of the world’s new epistemology. Humanity realized that the atom, which has been known until now as the structure of the smallest particles of the phenomena that make up the universe, carries optical packets called quanta in its lower layers.
A revolution that caused Stephen Hawking, the contemporary theorist of theoretical physics, to revise his theory of space black holes after nearly 30 years. Hoffking believed that whatever enters the space black holes will not be able to exit the black holes. But after 30 years, he announced his correction opinion in 2003 and claimed that some “information” has the ability to get out of space black holes. The root of this change of attitude lies in human attention to quantum light packages. Common people or even many contemporary physicists do not understand the word information and its origin. With the description mentioned above, we found that information is produced as a result of experience and cosmic information is produced due to the natural experiences of nature. And this is one of the tasks of quantum optical packages to spread information on the level of existence. Even today, we have realized that the eternity of existence and its limitlessness have completely changed conceptually. In such a way that time and space are simultaneously being formed as an expanding shadow, and this formation of time and space is due to its experiential nature. It is constantly producing information. On the other hand, it is interesting to know that mankind realized the difference between humans who were able to receive cosmic information and expressed it in human language. Therefore, cosmic man and human man were defined in the modern epistemology of the world. In a very simple way, a human being is a human being that only has the ability to receive and transmit information from human to human. But the cosmic man has the ability to receive the cosmic information disseminated in nature and the whole existence and expresses it in human language after the so-called unicoding. Another surprise of modern quantum epistemology is fundamental changes in the way of dealing with human brain cells and defining it along with the change in the definition of existence.” Today, 14 billion human brain cells are studied as a processing phenomenon that has the ability to create. “But this creative system must have the ability to create in an environment with practical coordinates, and that is existence. Therefore, the human definition of existence was changed to the space and time of possibility. If you remember, in the topic of human-nature-religion thinking, it was stated that the prophets and many elders of the 5 aspects of human culture (philosophy-religion-art-mysticism-science) all somehow communicated with the lower layers of nature and were able to Express the unsaid and the unseen with one of the languages of philosophy – religion – art – mysticism or science in their specialized field. These huge developments, which started less than 30 years ago, made man undergo “quantum healing” in the field of epistemology, and the technological and research achievements of man today are the result of this new attitude.
Continuing the series of discussions on quantum epistemology and human nature of thinking, we will inevitably discuss information and its role in the advancement of quantum epistemology in a broader way. As stated, information, as the main material of quantum epistemology, plays a very important role in the intellectual structure of modern and postmodern man today. Information is examined in two sections: human information and cosmic information. Since man is a part of the universe and existence, then human information is somehow considered as a subset of cosmic information in the investigation of cosmic information. But currently, because we want to study information in the human-to-human relationship section, we are forced to separate information into two parts, human and cosmic. When examining the cosmic information that will be discussed in the future discussions, human information will also be identified as a part of the information in the universe. From the beginning of the experiences of the history of human civilization, information in a very simple structure, the product of human experiences was transmitted to other humans. These transmissions took place by using the five senses. Choose your private parts, this experience produced information about the possibility of using leaves of trees and plants to cover private parts. The other person who was next to this person received the resulting information using his visual receiving system and he also implemented such an experience. In the same way, other experiences produced information as a result, and humans received and disseminated this information through their five senses. In the meantime, a very interesting thing that happened was the additions that each person added to his previous information based on new experiences or his wishes and dislikes. And in the same way, the nature of information is changing and even evolving.
With this example, perhaps the first human who used a piece of a dead animal’s bone to defend himself and threw it towards the enemy (human or animal), it can be clearly explained that this experimental act produces information as a result of its occurrence and other human beings Those around him also repeated the same experience. But since information has the ability to evolve or change, in one of the same transmission of information between humans, another human, depending on the incident, when he throws a bone and collides with a stone and breaks a bone, gets the experience of the bone being sharpened, which itself carries information. , the product of the interaction of human brain cells with nature. In this example, we can see that nature itself is busy experimenting with humans and publishing information from the results of their experiences.
Once upon a time, nature created dinosaurs and for millions of years these giant animals were scattered on the earth. But as one of nature’s experiments that failed, they disappeared from the earth. This information was published as much as all simpler or more complex information in nature.
Information can be published on a very wide level in existence, and this includes human information that is published in different frequencies. Maybe many of you are familiar with the word telepathy or at least it is familiar to your ears! Telepathy in modern quantum epistemology is one of the examples of convergence of experimental frequencies of one human being with another human being. In this way, the experimental thoughts of a human being in terms of diffusion in existence, but in a specific wavelength, have the ability to have the same perceptions if another human being is thinking and exchanging information (unconsciously) on the same wavelength. It is interesting to know that in all these events, the responsibility of information transfer is the responsibility of optical packets called quantum. (we will discuss this topic in quantum psychology later)
Information, in general human exchanges, is done using the five senses. But the recent example that was mentioned about the convergence of experimental frequencies between humans created a third side in human senses, which was referred to as the sixth sense in the classical view. This point can be emphasized because we know that the definition of the convergence of experimental frequencies between humans in the quantum perspective is different from the sixth sense that was discussed in the not-so-distant past, even though they have common points. After realizing the importance of the presence of information in his life and subsequently in existence, man started planning and setting long-term goals regarding the optimization of the use of information. The discussion of the media was one of the most mundane actions of human beings to publish information and to get out of one-dimensional thinking and receiving information. Imagine the time when there was no media in human life!!! Through what channels was the pattern-making information of a human child transmitted to him? And from what sources did these publishers get their pattern information? !!! Imagine a small town in the distant past, in the agricultural age or the beginning of the industrial age! It is a city with several schools – churches (or temples or mosques or synagogues…) and families… all the children of this human system study in schools, listen to the words of their religious leaders in places of worship, and learn from those teachings in the family. They practice or sometimes complete it. All the sources of information and their modeling are summarized in these few bottlenecks. And even the disseminators of information (family-school-church…) have all grown up in this closed information environment.
Therefore, whatever they hand over to their children are the teachings they received from their predecessors or they simply spread their experimental products among themselves, and there was no other external model for transferring information from other civilizations, or at least at the current speed. was not
In this example, you see a closed information space where human information is rotating inside. But a fundamental question arises!!! And that is, is the progress of man today the result of man turning inward?!!! Or is there another factor for this evolutionary process?
It is clear that the freezing of information cannot cause human movement. In studying the progress of modern and postmodern man, we find the search for information that has laid the foundation of the substructures of the world of thought. The exchange of human and cosmic information based on the principle of change and evolution, after establishing communication with other harbingers of experience and information, brings new intellectual products. We know that keeping information frozen and circulating information in a closed human system has always been doomed to be deleted throughout history. (The dissolution of the former Soviet Union is a good example for this issue) In the human system of the former Soviet Union, apart from its political and governmental form, in the human systemization that took place, its ideological form caused the branches of the beta system to have deep prejudices towards Their findings and compiled and enclosed information do not allow the existing information to collide with the information sphere outside the existing space in other human systems. Therefore, with the increasing trend of the role of information in human life and on the other hand, the accumulation of potential energy of information behind the closed walls of the former Soviet Union caused the collapse of their closed human system.
This form of human systems in terms of substance is very similar to religious systems that have the government under their control. Perhaps such a result can be predicted for closed religious governments as well. In order not to distance ourselves from the discussion, it is better to focus on the expanding information models of today’s world. By making the media non-massive, media technology made people under the influence of strong waves of information, and that’s why today’s man learns from different media channels. Human child no longer gets his information patterns from school, church and family, and to put it more simply, he is not made as the closed environment used to educate him before the age of information technology. All of us have used or heard this sentence many times in dealing with the children of today’s generation of mankind: (Today’s children are not like the old ones, they are much smarter). Such sentences are the product of our ignorance of the changing conditions of the information sphere. Our children today are placed in front of media such as television to calm them down from the moment they are born. They hear all kinds of music from the most up-to-date audio technologies, and we are unaware that every note of music has a message for the subconscious mind of man.
The existing images, which are apparently meaningless for a human child due to his age, in our opinion, record one day’s memories until 1 month old, and until 5 months old, they expand in order of the days of recording memories. Compare now. A child born a hundred years ago, who at the beginning of his birthday did not experience the presence of his mother and father except for aunts, uncles, and of course, grandparents, today, perhaps, he experiences something beyond the normal and slang words of his close relatives. Those who have the ability to record memories, leave it in their subconscious mind. Today, a human child is born in a wave of boiling information and from the very beginning of his life, information and converging frequencies influence him, and that is why we sometimes hear words or concepts from our children between the ages of 2 and 5. We express our surprise that we have never taught him such words with such a deep meaning!!! It is true that we have not taught him anything about this in a methodical and methodical way. But are the non-mass media or even ourselves, whose thoughts and ideas are the product of millions of media and information models, sitting idle in publishing information? And is the human child deprived of this heavy amount of information?
As time goes on and everything that exists expands in different directions, the volume of information produced due to the expanding experiences of man and more importantly nature and its inevitable spread on the level of existence, causes the people who are born tomorrow morning Compared with children this morning, they can celebrate their first birthday in an environment where the amount of information published in the world has increased. This is why the difference between human children is increasing day by day and even its sensitivity depends on seconds. At every moment, experiences are happening in the whole universe. Now imagine the amount of information that is the product of an experience as large as the whole universe?!! Naturally, you are something in the dimensions of each component. And the existence of this principle in existence is enough to understand the reason for the difference between humans born now and children born in the next half century. In quantum epistemology, even the concept of generation has changed and generation is no longer referred to as the distance between a child and his parents, but in this type of worldview, generation has become the monopoly of seconds and even smaller than that. I know that the discussion seems very heavy and maybe a little unconventional. But there is no other way and it is necessary to communicate with this epistemology somehow. Today’s world is structured based on quantum epistemology and it is expanding in the same way. Moment by moment changes that even the residents of the most remote villages of our country feel, are the product of information explosions. Of course, as always, we are used to experiencing changes through the technical products of the modern world, and unfortunately, methods have no meaning and value for us.
Perhaps we can be called polite consumers who have nothing to do with how the products of the world of human thought are created and we don’t even bother to ask ourselves this question: the people who today advance the world’s civilization in technical and intellectual dimensions. What kind of worldview are they? Have they experienced the world the way we experience it? Have they kept our views and thoughts at the same level as we have kept them? If we give a positive answer, the question arises, why are there huge differences in the result? And now we are consumers of the world of human thought and others are producers of new human knowledge?
You may be interested to hear that the information sphere is so important and valuable in the production of human knowledge that even the politicians and leaders of the human world benefit from this sphere more than anything else. Maybe until now, none of you have thought about this important thing and you haven’t even thought about it for a moment, why did the internet and making it accessible to the world happen?
Its superficial reasons are to help human communication and high-speed information exchange in the global village. Of course it is. But does the story end here? Perhaps what I want to say will confuse the minds of many who have time and money to think and plunge them into a deep astonishment. But I must say that this is an inevitable fact:
In appearance, the Internet was formed for the exchange of information between people. But we know that before it became public, it was only available to the intelligence services of the US Army, and the Pentagon uses it to communicate with its sub-groups. But thinkers and manifesto writers of global politics made this phenomenon available to everyone on a wide and universal level to control the world situation, and we know that this dependence is increasing day by day in all dimensions. So that little by little, traditional letter writing is becoming extinct and everyone writes letters electronically. This means that in every letter you have information from your emotional, social, political, scientific, and… And they could re-read your written information with a special opinion or out of curiosity. But today, you use the information obtained from your emotional-social-political-scientific-cultural experiences…which represents your thought structure and in The sciences under the branch of quantum epistemology, by using this kind of information, it is even possible to predict your next moves, you record in electronic letters that only the postman in your neighborhood does not seem to be in danger of revealing or rereading. Rather, the intelligence organizations that serve global policy makers, not out of curiosity and nosy, but with thoughtful goals, follow the general content of your writings with interest. Of course, this does not mean that they read your letters line by line every morning before you, but as it was said, in a general view of every human society and different human systems, interests – wants and dislikes – policies – beliefs and many They examine the issues that are relevant in global macro politics. It may be interesting to say that: blogging, first of all, is an area for presenting personal or specialized notes, it is a very useful reference for the intelligence organizations of the world to monitor the changing intellectual structures of different cultures and countries. to be For them, knowing these insignificant and seemingly worthless writings that we write about daily affairs will be very valuable when it is dealt with by the technique of thought methodology (“one of the most modern human knowledge”). We know that in the methodology of thought, words represent the nature of the oozing brain. So imagine what happens to the people of the world when you know? Do you think controlling them or changing their strategic direction will be a problem? !!!!!!!!
Know this for sure, a human being who is becoming more complex day by day thanks to the waves of technology and the information sphere, can no longer rely on spies who sit at a country’s airport and get information to get out of his work. Spies only see and report what happens on the surface. But today, due to the increasing complexity of humans, it is better to know what is happening in the brains of the people of each society so that we can have a replacement ready. What the unquestionable owners of the world are doing as simply as possible with the help of modern information technology and thought methodology scientists. Reviewing the general meaning of the writings of every human society in the virtual space of the Internet and collecting key words that become valuable with the methodology of thought, makes it possible to understand what is happening in the world in their brain cells! Things that sometimes we ourselves are unaware of the existence of in our brain. This is a part of human information resources. Again, because I always emphasize that you should not deal with these materials in a value-oriented way and only keep in mind its descriptive load and keep in mind what you consider worthy of thinking. The purpose of presenting these few lines is more than trying to judge whether these responses are good or bad. The thing that, unfortunately, has always been more difficult than anything else, is judging whether things are good or bad. If you want to have more pure perceptions to make this epistemology practical and functional, think beyond being good or bad and try to visualize the mechanism of this epistemology in your mind.
In the present discussion, an effort is made to move the audience’s mind step by step towards the main cores of quantum epistemology, in order to know the essence of this type of worldview, and to teach them in a methodical way about making it practical and functional in a thoughtful life. Of course, our daily life should be presented. We know that throughout the history of his civilization (from the beginning of the cave-dwelling days to now the edge of spaceships), man has organized a set of thoughtful ideas in different branches called culture. These diverse branches include five main elements: science, philosophy, religion, art, and mysticism. In simpler terms, it refers to human philosophical, scientific, religious, mystical, and artistic achievements, culture. And we also know that each of these elements during their lifetime, from the beginning of their existence until now, have recorded prominent people in their memory, each of whom were the creators of a part of the body of these five elements. The history of civilization and human culture has never included the names of men of thought such as: Aristotle, Plato, Jacques Derrida, John Louis, Kant, Descartes, etc. in the structure of philosophical thoughts or men of thought such as: Muhammad, Moses, Jesus, Abraham, Zoroastrian and… in the structure of religious ideas and great people such as: Einstein, Louis Pasteur, Newton, Ibn Sina, Zakaria Razi and… in the structure of scientific ideas or people like: Beethoven, Leonardo da Vinci, Van Gogh He will not forget Picasso, Victor Hugo, etc. in the world of art and great mystics such as: Rumi, Hafez, Mrs. Anne Marie Schimmel, etc. in the field of mysticism. Because each of these elders have made a part of the body of cultural elements and a part of the body of human culture. As it is evident, the creators and architects of the history of human civilization were and are only a few people who today are the product of their pure thoughts and ideas that spread various and rich cultures on the surface of the earth, and the rest of the people are carriers of culture and of course consumers of the thoughtful products of architects. . Earlier, I mentioned that each of the cultural elements fills a part of a person’s life, and sometimes the fanatics found in each of the elements are people who have based their worldview only through one of these lenses. . This is when each of the elements opens a window with different properties to see the world around in the horizon of human’s scientific views. Basically, in today’s world, a person with culture refers to a person whose perspective is based on the sum of these five elements. We have seen many people whose view of existence and the world around them is only a religious view, and they imagine that everything that has appeared in existence has appeared with a religious motive and view, and they reach the point of exaggeration to the point where they claim that existence is of such greatness and greatness. It was created only for the existence of one or two people, and the whole universe is the charity of one or two people. And they are deprived of other blessings of nature. The two elements of religion and mysticism have always been on the edge of the abyss of deviations in terms of claims to be connected to the supernatural. Because their natural properties rely on beliefs and trial and error has no place in religious and mystical views. As mentioned above, humans use concepts to express their perceptions from the lower layers of nature, and concepts only have the role of expressing human perceptions. So concepts can never be expressed as an element taken from the absolute truth in existence. Each of the greats of the five elements of human culture (religion, philosophy, art, mysticism and art) have only expressed a part of the absolute truth of existence. Of course, we should note that these facts are not in accordance with what is discussed in the language of nature, but they have had perceptions by dealing with the lower layers of nature, and these perceptions, mixed with their wants and desires, have created concepts that are a shadow of what It shows what happens in the lower layers. Of course, it is a little different in science, and things in practice are a little closer to the facts. Because scientific propositions (science) are based on the method of experience and observation, and this experience should be repeatable and accessible to everyone. Of course, according to Popper, there are scientific propositions that have a percentage of falsification in them. But this is not the case in religion and mysticism. One of the distinctive characteristics of religion and mysticism is the emphasis on belief, and a religious or mystical scholar emphasizes the belief of things. Because trial and error, experience and observation have no place in religious and mystical propositions. For better understanding, I have to give an example. Religious propositions are propositions that cannot be falsified, and that is why they emphasize belief. Pay attention to this sentence: (“Every human being dies when the moment of his death comes”) This sentence is a religious statement. Because it cannot be invalidated by any statement. It does not even have the capability of trial and error. Such propositions create rational dead ends that humans cannot react to except by believing. But now pay attention to this statement: “Water boils at 100 degrees in open water.”
This statement, unlike the previous statement, has the ability to be experienced, observed, and repeated. In a clearer sense, if we heat water at the level of open water at 99 degrees, it will not boil. It means that you are not in a rational dead end and you do not need to believe without observing. You can view it many times and then accept it. The expression of these differences is not for the purpose of right or wrong methods, and we do not have a discussion about the superiority of religion over science or science over religion. Because based on modern epistemology, we find that each of the elements that make up human culture has a specific file in a person’s mind, and the sum of these files makes up the culture of a person or a land. That is, in the structure of a culture, we need religion as much as we need science. As much as we need religion, we also need philosophy, art, or mysticism. Therefore, the virtual and fake supremacy that some fanatics promote is the product of poisoned minds who think that everything they have learned from the world around them is in accordance with the whole reality of existence. The mistakes that some religious scholars make in terms of the fact that religion is not experimental compared to science, trap people in the vortex of illusion. We have heard a lot of religious scholars who claim that such and such a scientific proposition that science has achieved today is implicitly mentioned in their religious teachings. And in this way, they want to tie religious propositions to experimental findings. These types of reactions are derived from the lack of awareness of some people who do not know that each of the cultural elements is a human language that each of the scholars of the mentioned elements have used the lower layers of nature to express their concepts. Muhammad, Jesus or Moses were not scientists who expressed their findings based on scientific principles. The scope of their perception and their relationship with the existence and parts of nature is in the language of religion and their perceptions are also of the same kind. And in the field of experimental science, Einstein or Pasteur or Newton, the field of their findings was not the field of religion, but they communicated with nature through the language of science, and naturally the language of their understanding is the language of science. Philosophy, art, religion, science and mysticism, each channel of human communication and understanding is a part of nature, and each one has its place in communicating between man and existence. The confusion that today’s man has suffered in various cultural fields prevents him from recognizing each and every cultural element. Today’s man wanders indecisively among the concepts and propositions resulting from cultural elements and does not determine his task with these five elements. We have seen, many times we interpret scientific propositions with the language of religion. Or we call artistic propositions in the language of mysticism and philosophy as the negation of religion, and… all of these are caused by the indecision of man in front of defining the place of art, religion, mysticism and science in his life. The most obvious type of uncertainty can be seen in religious views. Because the idea of connecting religious propositions to the supernatural creates the illusion that religion is allowed to define propositions related to other fields. While the language of religion is only the language of religion. The language of science is only the language of science. The language of art is only the language of art and the language of mysticism is only the language of mysticism.
This relatively long introduction was stated so that we know; Each of the human cultural elements is a communication channel between man and nature and is a window that provides the means to give meaning to the human environment. So, the more windows we have to look at our surroundings, we get out of the one-dimensional state and connect with the world around us with a richer culture. In quantum epistemology, man identifies the place of each cultural element in his life and separates different areas. Other people do not argue about the supremacy of religion or science, and none of them consider themselves indebted to the other. A person realizes that each of the cultural elements has a separate use and function in its field and human life. Identifying these domains in quantum epistemology is considered among the principles of cultural concepts. In the views before quantum epistemology, man thought that the forces of nature depend on the volume of its components, but today he has realized that the greatest forces of nature exist in the smallest components and the lower layers of nature. But as a potential that must be released. When mankind went to study the greatness in the subtleties of nature, he realized that some phenomena cannot be approached without an armed mind. Today, quantum healing is a science that arms the human brain to study the greatness in the subtleties of nature. This is where we realize the importance of determining the task between humans and cultural elements. As long as man is involved in the truth between his cultural components and the fight over the Mullah quilt continues, it is not possible to arm the human brain to go beyond the level of its five cultural elements. The world is made up of light packets called quanta, and these packets are 10 to 100 million times smaller than an atom. To identify it, one must step with an armed brain and away from conventional values. The world is nothing but the quantum vibrations of the Absolute Power. This means that the Absolute Power (Creator) creates vibrations at every moment and every millionth of a second that are ready to happen every moment. , Philosophy ; Art and mysticism take a step further and are in the path of these radiations. And it has the ability to become a creative being by identifying the power of possibility. In modern quantum epistemology, the basic definitions of human beings have changed and these changes have released a huge amount of potential human forces. The basic concepts that always occupied human beings for giving meaning included: life, world and human. All human scientific efforts for the meaning of these three words have been and are. Today, in quantum epistemology, the best definition that has been expressed so far is presented. This definition is based on humanity’s new understanding of existence, which is based on quantum light packages. Today, man is introduced as a cell of the body of existence, and who and what man is in the world is not studied, but the results of man, who and what he is, are displayed. In order to know what he is, man looks for the distances between the edge of the cave and the edge of the spaceship, and it is by studying this distance that we can study what and who the human being is. In studying the distance between the edge of the cave and the edge of the spaceship, we realize an important principle and It is the creative power of man.
The man of the cave ……………(the distance traveled)………………..the man of the spaceship = creations numerous
As I said, the world is full of light radiations that are rotating in existence from the direction of the primary absolute force. And these forces are nothing but the power of possibility. In the sense that every moment the universe is generating power with a band of infinite wavelength, and in the meantime, it was the only human who was able to identify his place in the distance between the quarks and the last supergalaxy and realize that he has the power to create. . So, so far, we have found out what are the new concepts that mankind has discovered for the world and man. But the task of life should have been determined in between. Again, we have to look at the distance between caveman and modern man in spaceships. With the first look, we find out that this distance has never stopped on its way!!! This means that movement is always visible in this distance. But how did you move? Definitely, this movement could not be backwards. So we follow a forward look in the course of human civilization. A look that always had an eye on the future of man. In classical teachings, man believed that today should be better than yesterday. In this form, today’s look was compared with the look before him and forced man to return to the past. But in today’s modern view, people believe that tomorrow should be better than today, and this look ahead has a main difference with the classical view. Tomorrow will be better and this future view matches the speed of man with the changes in the world that are producing the power of possibility every moment. But in the classic view, the partial view that man had of the past to compare with today, not only prevented him from paying attention to tomorrow, but also slowed down his speed to harmonize with the world. So, the most modern definition that mankind could provide for his life was speed with a view ahead.
Life = speed with a look ahead – the world = the power of possibility – man = creation
As stated; Man as a cell of the body of existence is not defined by anything other than his creations. Humans can recognize different wavelengths and start creating. The only cell in the body that has been identified so far that has the ability to create is the human. And this principle can be found in the examination of human brain cells. I imagine that the discussion went on for a long time. But I have to prepare a platform in the audience’s mind to understand the world around them from this modern and new lens by scrutinizing quantum epistemology.
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